JOURNEY WITHIN is a powerful yet subtle REBIRTHING/BREATHWORK healing session therapy. It implies lying down comfortably with an experienced, loving and well trained “breathwork therapist” by your side to hold the space, guide and support you while you are breathing.
It is often the effect of stress, suppressing feelings or fears, or because you simply go through your everyday life like a good soldier but without fully embracing passion for all of life’s possibilities. Journey within is about traveling deep inside your cells where all memories reside; memories from yesterday, from childhood, from past lives. Controlled breathing will trigger fears and painful suppressed emotions connected to past memories to be released. The Divine energy that moves in your mind and body during rebirthing is your own pure life force. At the end, you will feel a profound sense of peace, freedom and physical well-being. Breathing and releasing past experiences and past trauma from this lifetime or past lives, one layer at a time, takes time and dedication. YOU BECOME YOUR OWN THERAPIST by allowing your body, mind and soul to heal at its own pace. As you are breathing, you are merely an observer of the work being conducted by your higher self while surrounded by your spiritual guides and angels. It is indeed a JOURNEY from where you have been to where you wish to go, embracing every moment of your life, feeling passionate about living and breaking down blocks and obstacles that you have created over time. As a new outlook on life is waiting, removing undesirable emotions will also improve your health all together.
WHAT TO EXPECT AFTER THE BREATHING SESSIONS Rebirthing being a powerful therapy, everyone reacts in a different way and intensity. In the hours and days following the breathwork, you might feel tired and wanting to sleep. You also might feel emotional and upset or incredibly happy. Some people might also physically feel unsettled when the breathwork has been dislodging old unwanted energy at a deep level. It is part of the process of peeling one layer at the time and giving time to the “mind, body and soul” to process the change. We think of rebirthing/breathwork as the ultimate healing experience because, on the long run, your breath, together with the quality of your thoughts, can heal anything. With time, because of the removal of emotional blockages, we have seen symptoms of all kinds disappear, from migraine headaches to sore ankles, respiratory illnesses, stomach and back pains, insomnia, diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, arthritis and fibromyalgia.
It took a lifetime for you to build up emotional walls, therefore, 10 breathing sessions are highly recommended to complete one cycle and begin to feel results. You might decide to come back for more sessions as you feel your entire vision for the world shifting for the better.
Are available with Johanne Rutledge. She is a certified Rebirther with Leonard Orr and has been practicing rebirthing/breathwork for 27 years. “Rebirthing literally saved my life, and that is why I believe in the power of the breath.” Johanne says. “I believe in making people feel safe and loved while they are breathing universal source energy into their body” she explains. Johanne will support you in multiple ways. You may receive healing energy while and/or during your rebirthing session. She will also make sure to open up and balance your chakras prior to breathing. Johanne, being a highly sensitive medium, will be intuitively aware of the dynamic happening and will assist you as necessary. After the breathing is complete, once your vibrations are high, the HIGH BEINGS will come in and bring healing to the emotional, mental and physical body as long as you give them permission. Rebirthing/Breathwork Private Sessions: Cost: $225
Many people look forward to breathe as a group in the amazing uplifting energy of Johanne Rutledge School of Intuition. There is an uplifting sense of support and camaraderie among the participant. The group is kept small (no more than 10) so everyone has a comfortable space on the floor. Johanne works with assistants who have done their own rebirthing and trained extensively for many years. All of them are medium and work with different healing modalities. Classes are ongoing throughout the year, approximately every second Friday of the month with certain exceptions. See School calendar for dates. Sessions are starting promptly at 7:00PM and ending at 9:00PM. Please be courteous to your fellow group members and arrive a few minutes early. Other considerations; dress comfortably, do not wear jewelry or perfume and eat a very light meal. After the breathing is complete, once your vibrations are high, the HIGH BEINGS will come in and bring healing to the emotional, mental and physical body as long as you give them permission. Bring your blanket and pillows in order to feel comfy. We breathe with candle lights and music. The group is invited to share and support each other afterwards with snacks and refreshments. Rebirthing/Breathwork Group Sessions at the school: Cost: $45
Many children and teenagers have already benefited from rebirthing/breathwork sessions. Kids are also battling with fears, sorrow, low self-esteem and pain from this life time as well as from past lives. They are often on prescribed medicine to fit in. Breathwork therapy is highly efficient for them to open up and release at a young age. Parents are on the premises, most of the time breathing as well, unless the child is 18 years old. Children’s and Teens Breathwork Private Sessions: Cost: $200
Children’s and Teens Breathwork Group Sessions at the school: Cost: $45As we all know relationships can be challenging. They are for a life time a work in progress. Rebirthing/breathwork done as a couple is a powerful tool. When two people sitting face to face on the floor, holding hands are breathing in each other’s energy, there is no room for control, games, guilt, manipulation or hidden agenda. The love energy will transcend it all and allow fears and blockages to get out of the way. The end result will be a deeper communication and a stronger physical connection. The end result will be a deeper communication and a stronger mind, body, soul connection. Rebirthing for Couples (Private Sessions): Cost: $275
If your child and you are in good health, breathwork would increase oxygen and circulation to the baby and BRING AN AMAZING CONNECTION between mother and child. It is also a gift from the mother to the baby, for her to release whatever fears, sadness, guilt or blockages that the mom is carrying within her for years. According to family constellation, the mother’s energy will be carried on into her child. Rebirthing/breathwork is a safe and easy way to clear out unwanted energy. Rebirthing/Breathwork for Pregnancy Private Sessions: Cost: $225
Rebirthing/Breathwork for Pregnancy Group Sessions at the school: Cost: $45Rebirthing/Breathwork Sessions (Private): Cost: $225
Rebirthing/Breathwork Group Sessions AT THE SCHOOL: Cost: $45.
Children’s and Teens Breathwork Sessions (Private): Cost: $200.
Children’s and Teens Breathwork Group Sessions AT THE SCHOOL: Cost: $45.
Rebirthing for Couples Sessions (Private): Cost: $275.
Rebirthing/Breathwork for Pregnancy Sessions (Private):
Cost: $225.
Rebirthing/Breathwork for Pregnancy Group Sessions AT THE SCHOOL:
Cost: $45.