This class helps you integrate the basics of Alpha ONE and teaches you the multidimensional possibilities of mediumship. Your will learn and experience:

  • How to CHANNEL angels, guides, masters or anyone in the world whom you would like to talk to or learn from.
  • To understand the Akashic records.
  • How to communicate with your higher self and get guidance.
  • How past lives can help you find out the purpose of the present life.
  • In depth knowledge about the spirit world.
  • Understand why earthbound spirits sometimes refuse to cross into the light.
  • We’ll learn and practice how to handle suicide cases and safely move earthbound ghosts and undesirable entities into the light.
  • Remote viewing in order to clear homes and people from unwanted entities.
  • How to better relationships between two or more people in your workshop (alive or crossed over). It could be for you or for other people. This is very powerful.
  • How to tap into the possible future in order to help others.
  • How to assess the body and locate health issues. Most importantly, you will get guidance about what kind of emotional issue brought the problem and on how to help with the emotional and physical problem.

Pay in Full: Cost: $575

Deposit: Cost: $100

Balance: Cost: $475


Former Students Taking Saturday and Sunday $75